Fabian Steinhauer is Associate Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and teaches at the Universities of Gießen and Basel.

His research deals with issues of law and of cultural techniques and is guided by the question of how the knowledge of law is shared and transmitted.

At CAS Fabian Steinhauer works on a Soviet film from 1926 (collective Kuleshov, Po Sakonu). It is the "last revolutionary film" and at the same time the only one which, following Lenin's "State and Revolution", poses the question of what follows from the law. The research project considers how this film is part of a modern history and theory of law. The scriptwriter is Viktor Shklovsky, who published a theory of prose in 1925. In this respect, Steinhauer’s research project is also about the question of how this film is part of a prosaic writing practice.

Fabian Steinhauer is a Visiting Fellow at CAS in February 2018 in the context of the CAS Research Focus "Writing Prose" following an invitation from Prof. Dr. Jens Kersten.