Nabila Aghanim, Ph.D.

Visiting Fellow, CAS Research Group "Complex Views and New Clues of the Universe"

Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale


Nabila Aghanim is a cosmologist, senior researcher of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale in Paris Saclay University, France. She graduated in Physics from University Houari Boumedienne (Algeria) and got her PhD in Astrophysics at University Paris VII Denis Diderot (France). She was hired as Junior researcher at CNRS in 1999 after post-docs at Berkeley University and Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES).

Together with her team, she investigates and unveils the missing baryons in the Universe developing sophisticated statistical approaches, including machine learning, to combine and analyse data from cosmological surveys in the optical, millimeter and X-rays. She was heavily involved in the Planck mission from its early stages to data exploitation, leading one of Planck’s seven science working groups on clusters of galaxies and secondary anisotropies. She was awarded the CNRS bronze medal for young scientists in 2005, the CNRS silver medal in 2017, and several international prizes such as the Gruber or Marcel Grossman prizes as member of the Planck collaboration. She is now involved in the preparation of the ESA M2 space mission Euclid (Launch 2022). Nabila Aghanim was awarded with an ERC Advanced Grant (2017-2022).

Théo Lebeau, doctoral student of Nabila Aghanim joins her during her visit here in Munich.

Nabila Aghanim is a Visiting Fellow at CAS in February and September 2023 upon invitation of Dr. Klaus Dolag and will join the CAS Research Group on "Complex Views and New Clues of the Universe".