Prof. David N. Arnosti, Ph.D.

Previous Visiting Fellow

Michigan State University

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

David N. Arnosti is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Michigan State University.

His main area of research is the biochemical and genetic analysis of transcription control mechanisms during the development of an organism. Using the example of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, David Arnosti's study group is investigating the mechanisms of so-called "transcription switches" which are of great importance for the development of an organism. He is particularly interested in the molecular role of transcription repressors. In the case of the fly, these include "Giant", "Knirps" and "Groucho". A further emphasis in the work of David Arnosti is on effective mathematical approaches to decoding the "grammar" of cis-regulatory elements, which also play an important role for development. He thus aims to gain insight on the system biological level into the complex, but also very robust development program of flies, as well as that of more highly developed organisms.

David Arnosti will be at the CAS as a visiting fellow from May until July 2013 as well as in July and August 2015 upon invitation from Prof. Dr. Andreas Ladurner. In Munich, he will work closely with the group led by Andreas Ladurner. However, there will also be several exciting links to research by Prof. Ulrike Gaul, Prof. Carla Margulies, Prof. Johannes Söding and Prof. Peter Becker. During his stay, David Arnosti will hold several seminars for students and postdocs, for example at the Graduate School of Quantitative Bioscienes (QBM).