Damien Agut is a Research Associate at CNRS in Nanterre and, since 2017, director of the Achemenet program. In this position, he manages the website acheme-net.com, a worldwide reference on the history of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, and is responsible for the journal ARTA (Achaemenid Researches on Texts and Archaeology) and the Persika series. He is a demotist, i.e., a specialist in a late script of ancient Egyptian.

His research focuses on the history of Egypt during the Achaemenid period, demotic papyrology and epigraphy, social and economic history (taxation, trade, material culture of the oases of the Western Desert), and cultural history.

Damien Agut-Labordère is Visiting Fellow at CAS in March and April 2022 upon invitation of Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann.