Prof. Dr. Clemens Albrecht

Previous Visiting Fellow

University of Bonn

Cultural Sociology

Clemens Albrecht is Professor of Cultural Sociology at the University of Bonn, co-director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Recht als Kultur and founding spokesman for the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) Individuals, Institutions and Societies.

His research areas are cultural sociology, political sociology and the history of science and ideas. His most important publications include: Zivilisation und Gesellschaft. Bürgerliche Kultur in Frankreich (1995), Die intellektuelle Gründung der Bundesrepublik. Eine Wirkungsgeschichte der Frankfurter Schule (1999) (together with G. C. Behrmann, M. Bock, H. Homann und F. H. Tenbruck) as well as his latest book Sozioprudenz. Sozial klug handeln (2020).

Clemens Albrecht is a Visiting Fellow in January 2021 upon invitation from Dr. Niklas Barth (CAS Junior Researcher in Residence 2020/21).

On 26 January 2021 he will be functioning as the respondent to Niklas Barth's Lunch Talk on "Klugheitslehren der Sterbebegleitung? Ideale und Strategien der Kommunikation".