Prof. Volker R. Berghahn, Ph.D.

Previous Visiting Fellow

Columbia University


Volker Berghahn is Professor of History at Columbia University in New York.

His main interest is the history of modern Germany along with European-American relations in the 20th century. He has published numerous books on this topic, including "Europa im Zeitalter der Weltkriege. Die Entfesselung und Entgrenzung der Gewalt" (2002) and "Transatlantische Kulturkriege. Shepard Stone, die Ford-Stiftung und der europäische Antiamerikanismus" (2004).

In October and November 2011, Volker Berghahn is at the CAS as a visiting fellow as part of the research focus "Transatlantic Cultures" auf Einladung von Professor Christof Mauch als Visiting Fellow am CAS. Im Rahmen des Wednesday Lunchs wird er am 26. Oktober 2011 einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "American Big Business and the Political Economies of Britain and Germany: Perspectives on Two 'Special Relationships', 1900-1960" am CAS halten.